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ith its release as part of the iPhone OS X 30 SDK, Core Data is arguably the best choice for persisting an application s data It is more robust than using properties and is easier than using SQLite You can visually lay out your application s data model, much as you would when using a database-modeling tool Moreover, it provides the infrastructure for managing the objects you create, freeing you from writing the typical object management code As this chapter will demonstrate, using Core Data is a natural choice for persisting an application s data Core Data allows you to focus on the application rather than on the code persisting the application s data


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Core Data is a framework used to easily manage an application s data objects Core Data consists of managed object models, managed object contexts, and persistent data stores A managed object model contains an object graph The object graph is a collection of objects and their relationships with one another You create a graph using Xcode s data modeler The data modeler is where you visually add entities and create relationships between them A managed object context contains the objects created from the entities in the managed object model A managed object context has a persistent store coordinator that manages one or more persistent stores A persistent data store persists objects created by the managed object context Although an application can have multiple persistent stores, in this chapter, you restrict yourself to one persistent store Figure 17-1 illustrates Core Data s architecture

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Nov 1, 2017 · Zajímá vás, jaké je pokrytí internetem v celé České republice? Není nic snazšího, než si ověřit jeho dostupnost a stabilitu na interaktivní mapě.

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Feb 5, 2013 · Oferind preţuri, la care vest-europenii doar visează, RCS&RDS a reuşit să depăşească UPC pe toate segmentele, TV, Internet, telefonie.

It is also possible to find concept classes that have polynomial sample complexity, but nevertheless cannot be learned in polynomial time One interesting example is the concept class C of k-term disjunctive normal form (k-term DNF) expressions k-term DNF expressions are of the form TI v T2 v - v Tk, where each term 1;: is a conjunction of n boolean attributes and their negations Assuming H = C, it is easy to show that I HI is at most 3"k (because there are k terms, each of which may take on 3" possible values) Note 3"k is an overestimate of H, because it is double counting the cases where = I; and where 1: is more_general-than I; ; Still, we can use this upper bound on I HI to obtain an upper bound on the sample complexity, substituting this into Equation (72)

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A model contains entities Entities contain attributes Relationships model how one or more entities relate to one another You model these concepts using Xcode s data modeler You add a model to your application by creating a file with an xcdatamodel extension through Xcode s New File dialog (Figure 17-2) It is best to place the model file in a project s Resources folder After creating the model, when you select the file, Xcode should automatically display the data modeler in the Editor window

which indicates that the sample complexity of k-term DNF is polynomial in 1 / ~ ,116, n, and k Despite having polynomial sample complexity, the computational complexity is not polynomial, because this learning problem can be shown to be equivalent to other problems that are known to be unsolvable in polynomial time (unless R P = NP) Thus, although k-term DNF has polynomial sample complexity, it does not have polynomial computational complexity for a learner using H = C The surprising fact about k-term DNF is that although it is not PAClearnable, there is a strictly larger concept class that is! This is possible because the larger concept class has polynomial computation complexity per example and still has polynomial sample complexity This larger class is the class of k-CNF expressions: conjunctions of arbitrary length of the form TI A T2 A A I;, where each is a disjunction of up to k boolean attributes It is straightforward to show that k-CNF subsumes k-DNF, because any k-term DNF expression can easily be

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